Our next writing prompt is O for open.
Such a small word applies in many different ways.
You can open little things – jars, bottles, packets, parcels – or large things: you can open doors, open a new building, a business, a fair or a fete, or you can open your garden to the public.
Things can be described as open – open auditions, open season, open air, open flame, open goal, being out in the open (literally and metaphorically) – and places are either open or closed.
And, of course, you can open your heart to someone, open your mind to new ideas, greet someone with open arms, you can be very open about something, you can be open to offers, things can be an open secret, and people can be like an open book.
Or, there’s the sporting sense – the tennis open, the open golf championship.
You get an open and shut case… or an open bar… an open sandwich… opencast mining… plays don’t start, they open… then there’s the Open University… open heart surgery…
Is something open that shouldn’t be? Or not open when it should be?
Stories, poems and any creative writing sparked off by the word ‘open’, please, to louise.hulland@bbc.co.uk and we’ll hear them on our next meeting on 23rd September.