Carol Carman’s Writing Club Prompt: Q is for Queue

Q is for Queue or Queueing.

Queue – the only word where you can take four of its letters out and it doesn’t change the sound of it.

We’ve all had to do it – wait our turn, stand in line, watch another queue going faster than ours…

Think of all the places you can queue – in person – in a shop, at a market stall, at the bar, in a café, at the bus stop, at a garage, a doctor’s surgery, waiting to go into a theatre or sport stadium, at an airport…

Online, you can get put in a queue if you’re buying concert tickets – ‘There are 16,000 people in front of you’…

On the phone – ‘Your call is important to us; you are number 27 in the queue; have you thought about visiting our website?’

In the car – if you get stuck in roadworks – or if you travel the M25, you’ll queue up to get through…

What’s causing the queue? Who’s in front and behind you or your character? Do you interact with them? Can you hear their conversation? What emotions does queueing spark off in you?

Or perhaps, you’re the person everybody’s queueing up to see…

Stories, poems and any creative writing sparked off by the word ‘queue’, please, to and we’ll hear them at our next meeting on 21st October.