Plenty of choice with this word.
You could write a piece involving something that’s round. Easy as that.
Think of all the various things that are physically round – in one dimension at least. For example, a carousel is round, but not spherical. Similarly, one of those giant water chute tube things.
And if you want to go fully round, you’ve got a lot to choose from – everything from a pea to a planet. And you can get seeds which are round and smaller than peas, but I just liked the alliteration.
Or you could write something involving a round – a paper round, a round of drinks, a round of golf, a round of sandwiches, a sung round (e.g. London’s Burning) or any other round you can think of… doctors do rounds, don’t they?
Stories, poems and any creative writing sparked off by the word ’round’, please, to and we’ll hear them at our next meeting on 11th November.