Carol Carman’s Writing Club Prompt: W is for Window

Despite Louise Hulland suggesting that after last week’s foreshadowing of car trouble, this week’s prompt should be ‘Winning the lottery’, it is, in fact, W for window.

There’s plenty of scope for stories involving a window.

Are you on the outside looking in, or inside looking out? Either way, what’s going on on the other side of the window?

Or are you examining the window – is it cracked? Is the frame sound? Does the whole thing need replacing?

Is somebody cleaning the window?

Using an old window as a cold frame?

Is your story about a broken window? How did it get broken? Accidentally? On purpose? Something silly, or something much more dramatic?

Let’s hear your stories, poems, pieces of descriptive writing involving a window, please, and send them to and we’ll hear them on the next Writing Club!