McCaw Press are proud to publish the series of books written by Christopher South
about his surreal re-imagining of the region called Grunty Fen.

For more information, books, recordings and memorabilia, please go to the Grunty Fen website by clicking on the coypu

or going to www.dennisofgruntyfen.co.uk
The books are:

The Authorised Guide to Grunty Fen is indeed a guide book to our favourite Cambridgeshire place written by one who knows it better than anybody – Mr Christopher South. Beautifully illustrated by John Holder, this book is a must for all Fenatics.
For the beginner, it will open a window onto the peculiar charms of Grunty Fen. For those of us already steeped to our welly-tops in the ways of the Fen, it will be a valuable reference book and a constant source of wonder.
Get to know the history and ever-changing geography of Grunty Fen. Learn the secrets of its architecture, people and customs. Discover its economic powerhouses and its spiritual bastions. Find out what passes for social life in Grunty Fen.
Complete with full index and recommended further reading.

Who’s Who in Grunty Fen is an invaluable guide to the lives of those hitherto hidden heroes of Grunty Fen compiled by Mr Christopher South.
Meet the men and women who made – amongst many other things – the universal shovel, the edible poultice and the gingerbread lavatory. Be amazed at the visionaries from the worlds of architecture, medicine, politics, poetry, dance and ditch inspection.
Discover the hadnabinfer, why every week has eight days, how an angel may ride pillion on your bike and why the ladies of Bastardy had such huge, flat feet. Get to know the entrepreneurs of industry, education, pharmacology and tie-knotting.
Learn a little Grunt, harness the power of a dog’s tail, gaze into the mysterious depths of a warm bucket and study the knitted parachute. Understand the importance of goat-hair in the history of philosophy.
Just remember to bring your boots. This is Grunty Fen, after all.
Oh, and avoid the green flux at all costs.
Lavishly illustrated with photographs, drawings, one technical diagram and a cartoon, this book has a place on every Fenatic’s bookshelf, right next to The Authorised Guide to Grunty Fen.

The Customs and Folklore of Grunty Fen is the third of Mr Christopher South’s investigations into the world of Grunty Fen. This time, Mr South looks into the traditions, attitudes and behaviours of the fenfolk.
From place names to pylons, from sport to superstition, from weddings to winnings, Mr South ranges far and wide across the fen in search of potentially sometimes reliable information, answering such questions as: Why do brides like cat mange? Did the dead go by parcel post? Who is Miss Bucket? Do dark horses run deep? How do chimney sweeps use film-free cameras?
Always surprising, sometimes shocking, Mr South’s masterpiece has stunned Cambridge University experts who, having travelled to the ends of the earth in search of the truth about human societies, now realise they have neglected the most important evidence right under their noses.
Lavishly illustrated as usual, this book earns its place on every Fenatic’s bookshelf, right next to The Authorised Guide to Grunty Fen and Who’s Who in Grunty Fen. 105 glorious pages plus an introduction and a plea for help by the author.

Where To Find A Warm Bucket And Other Tall Tales Of A Low Place. This book is the fourth of Mr Christopher South’s trilogy of investigations into the world of Grunty Fen. Described by the author as “…non-existent tourist trails around imaginary locations…variable geography, questionable history and unreliable truth.”
QUICK – before it all gets sucked back into the fen! Discover an English region you never knew existed yet it is right on your doorstep. Up that boggy lane, behind those thorny bushes, over that stagnant ditch.
Let Christopher South lead you on a strange East Anglian journey to meet outcasts who can neuter wrens in flight and crafters who whittle whisks and whistles. But don’t go near the radioactive cosmetics and plague laboratories. And don’t forget your bucket.
About 90 glorious pages plus an introduction and a free index.