Tag: Local Radio

  • Carol Carman’s Writing Club Prompt: X is for… X

    Have a think about how we use the letter X.  If you’re marking something, it’s ticks for correct and crosses – or Xs – for incorrect. Putting an X in the box is how we vote. X is used to denote an unknown quantity, which you’ll remember from trying to solve equations at school or…

  • A Glimpse into My Childhood

    This is my piece for the Writing Club prompt ‘W is for Window’. The window I looked up to the sky through had a cracked pane, the result of my dad flailing a cardigan at an irritating bluebottle. The cardigan had a penny in the pocket – one of those big old heavy pre-decimalisation pennies,…

  • Carol Carman’s Writing Club Prompt: W is for Window

    Despite Louise Hulland suggesting that after last week’s foreshadowing of car trouble, this week’s prompt should be ‘Winning the lottery’, it is, in fact, W for window. There’s plenty of scope for stories involving a window. Are you on the outside looking in, or inside looking out? Either way, what’s going on on the other…

  • Something Amiss in My Engine

    Oh, the irony. This poem, for Carol Carman’s Writing Club, Prompt: V is for Vehicle, was written well before the 19th of January, when something went wrong in our car engine which meant I coudn’t get to the BBC studios on the 20th to present the poem in person. There was something amiss in my…

  • Carol Carman’s Writing Club Prompt: V is for Vehicle

    Happy New Year, one and all. Writing Club across BBC in the East of England is off and running again, and this time your prompt is ‘vehicle’. According to the dictionary, vehicle is a general term for anything by means of which people or goods may be conveyed, although always more commonly used as a…

  • Carol Carman’s Writing Club Prompt: U is for Uniform

    Lots of different people wear uniforms – not just the military services, but nurses, emergency services, police, commercial pilots, cabin crew, ground staff, some shop workers, posties, schoolchildren, restaurant staff, hotel workers, some construction workers, athletes… I’m sure you can think of more. You might say that standard business suits for both men and women…

  • Carol Carman’s Writing Club Prompt: T is for Toy

    We’ve all played with them, watched others play with them, seen them given or thrown away or bought them them in charity shops as well as toy stores. Sometimes we can’t bear to get rid of them, because they represent so much of our growing up and the fun of our younger, carefree selves. And…

  • S is for shop or shopping

    S is for Shop.  Anything to do with a shop, or shopping, or a shopkeeper – so there’s plenty to go at. It could be a character shopping for something special – how easy is it for them to get the perfect present? What could go wrong? Maybe your character hates shopping… does online shopping……

  • R is for Round or A Round.

    Plenty of choice with this word. You could write a piece involving something that’s round. Easy as that. Think of all the various things that are physically round – in one dimension at least. For example, a carousel is round, but not spherical. Similarly, one of those giant water chute tube things. And if you…

  • Carol Carman’s Writing Club Prompt: Q is for Queue

    Q is for Queue or Queueing. Queue – the only word where you can take four of its letters out and it doesn’t change the sound of it. We’ve all had to do it – wait our turn, stand in line, watch another queue going faster than ours… Think of all the places you can…